
A European-style
Country Inn for 50 Years

Haus Rohrbach Pension
Celebrates 50 years of Service!

 bed and breakfast Leavenworth Washington lodging accomodations

We at Haus Rohrbach are healthy, well, and
appreciate our all our new and returning Guests.

We are excited to announce that this year we
celebrate 50 years of serving Guests where
hospitality, recreation and relaxation
are a tradition!!!

Our Virus Cleanliness Prtotocols Remain in Place
Haus Rohrbach Nothernlights

There are times we can accept
One Night Accommodations!
Our new reservation system does
not allow one night stays on the
weekend, but we will allow them
if we can accommodate your stay,
so please call 509-548-7024.
All Rooms
Luxury & Family Suites
Weddings & Family Reunions
Summer Theater
Seasonal Views
About Us
Directions and Pass Conditions
Group Wine Tasting Dinners

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A European-style Country Inn

overlooking the beautiful Leavenworth Valley...

Celebrating 50 years of service in 2024!!

Where hospitality, recreation and relaxation are a tradition......

and, our famous sour dough pancake starter is always

one year older than the business!

Come experience the beauty of the Leavenworth Valley and watch

our gardens and farm grow in our family friendly atmosphere.


Carol & Mike Wentink, Innkeepers

Members of the

 Leavenworth Chamber of Commerce


Haus Rohrbach Pension
12882 Ranger Road
Leavenworth, Washington 98826

Office hours 9:30am - 10:00pm

If you call before 9:30am leave a message since we usually don't answer the phone while serving Guests breakfast.

(509) 548-7024


Gift Certificates Available

If you would like to purchase a Gift Certificate for family or friends just call and we'll send it directly to you or the recipient.

Our Gift Certificates are beautifully crafted by Carol and personalized with the recipients name including any message of thanks or congratulations you would like.



Your Innkeepers, Mike and Carol; Owners of Haus Rohrbach Pension. With running a home based business, we proudly serve only the best coffee, Caffe' Lusso!


